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Functional medicine uses specific labs that identify how your body is functioning.  Instead of only testing the quantity of a certain vitamin in the blood, we will evaluate the biproducts of the vitamin in your urine in order to find out whether it is being used properly.  This type of information paints a much clearer picture of the biochemistry of your body, specifically. Rather than assuming that you are functioning the same as every other human with the same level of said vitamin. Because we already know, that idea is a falsehood in medicine.  

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Functional Medicine

Functional Lab Testing includes:


  • GI-Mapping of the Microbiome

  • Organic Acid Testing

  • Heavy Metals

  • Mold Toxicity

  • Environmental Toxicities

  • Food Allergies & Sensitivities

  • Genetic-Genomic Testing

  • Immunologic Testing

  • Vitamin Testing

Testing can be performed following a tele-health visit in certain states. For questions please reach out to our office.

Leaf Stem

Dr Randall Block

Similar to the way a cut will recover if you stop scratching at the scab, the whole human body is designed to heal itself. We just need to stop pushing it in the wrong directions.


My job is to teach you how to do that.

Contact Dr. Randall Block, ND, LAc, MSN

​For more information, or to schedule a free 15 minute consultation, contact me now.

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